The old door made it out of the truck and into the garage for a quick and fun makeover right on time for another White Wednesday.

Its white old paint was the perfect background for a bold and graphic statement...can you tell that we are really in love with big black lettering later?
We made our own stencil by simply using regular paper, the computer and the printer.
Once we decided the how and the where...
We made our own stencil by simply using regular paper, the computer and the printer.
Once we decided the how and the where...
a couple of metal brackets, a piece of wood cut to size...
The perfect accent for a hallway or an entryway.
Taking almost no space at all, (only about 12" deep), our door provides enough room for a lamp,the keys, the purse. ...
Taking almost no space at all, (only about 12" deep), our door provides enough room for a lamp,the keys, the purse. ...
I'm loving how this turned out. Very creative indeed. Sometimes all you need is a little motivation, isn't it? I, too am loving the big black lettering and numbers.
Enjoy your Wednesday.
What a clever idea ... and it looks absolutely fabulous! This is a post full of inspiration!!
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
Another example of the amazing "Miss Marcela's" many talents! Have to say, you never, ever let me down!
Take care, Sue
This is absolutely perfect and such a wonderful idea. Love the idea of reusing things that no one would think of. What a perfect little addition to welcome anyone into your home. Fun and fabulous! :) Blessings, Tammy
Une très belle idée ... Simple,utile et décorative, encore fallait-il y penser!
Belle journée et à tout bientôt.
LOVE what you did with that white door! Just a fabulous idea!
Genious!! I love this idea so much! Thanks for the inspiration... Theresa
What a great idea! Bloggers are geniuses...What elase can I say?
Fabulous the contrast of lettering and the usefulness too!
I actually tried my hand at that particular project ~ it did come out pretty nice if i do say so myself. Its a great idea. Happy WW!
CREATIVITY abounds!! lovin it!!
Inspiring all us gals out here.
Thanks for posting about it!
Wonderful idea! Glad I found your blog too!
Very cool. I love it and it is just the right amount of chippy.
What a great idea! I wish I had the nerve (or door) to do it! I have to venture out of the box!
I N C R E D I B L E ~ just Loved this Creative Idea....
that is fabulous...i love the mix and match of the letter size and font...very cool!!!
I just picked up an old door at a rummage sale, and have been wanting to put some words on in. Thanks for showing yours - it turned out wonderfully.
Oh goodness. I have a very old door that I have been hoping to turn into a craft table. Not any more. I just found a new project for it. Thanks for your cottage charm and friendly inspiration. I enjoy reading your posts. Best Wishes.
i like how you did the letters, let alone come up with this fab idea for an old door. how fun does that look!
darling transformation!
Love the blog...everything is so pretty!...I love your white wednesday post...I am following:)
This is so cute! And I *am* impressed...2 day turnaround?! good for you...much better than 2 *years*!
Such a clever idea. Love the scrolly brackets! Wonderful transformation!
I love it!!! Totally awesome!!
I really like how you chose the different fonts and all the distressing you gave it, nice job!
Love it and especially the lettering. I found some old bottles last summer with the coolest lettering on them. They sold in the shop in a day. Happy Valentines. :)
That is wonderful! Love the added touch of that girls always get us thinking!!
- yes, we love it that our customer sent us that picture for us to share - she did do a lovely job - we loved it!
ese trabajo está maravilloso!te felicito!
Cómo estás?
ojalá que todo bien!!
pasaba a agradecerte tu visita durante mis vacaciones, lo pasamos muy bien, vengo felíz!
preparé un Mimo en mi blog, para ti, si deseas publicarlo, para copiar la imagen debes "pincharla" o "clickearla" como para agrandarla y así se puede copiar,
un abrazo grande!!
You know what really impresses me about you two--besides your awesome projects--is your ability to focus and decide what to do with an item so quickly. Seriously. I have the ideas but always think that it might not be right...might be a better way...and then it sits. I love your drive and focus.
Love this! Just beautiful! This is def. inspiring!
~Bridgette {allthingzrelated}
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