These two mommas had a very busy weekend. Lots of driving to tests, volunteer commitments, Homecoming game and Dance, plus a very early morning spent at the wet and cold soccer field. So the Junkin' Gods rewarded us with a short but always inspiring trip to one of our favorite antiquing spots, Country Roads in Orange, CA where we were able to find some "Need" and some "Want" pieces...
The Needs are:
A coffee table that we will use in the Family Room Makeover we are working on...
Great lines, perfect size, not too deep just like we needed it...

It will be painted and lightly distressed to show the yellow paint underneath...
Love making these!
Now the Wants:
I bought it with my kitchen in mind, but I think it will be living in our family room. Love the bold letters, the chippy paint of course and the black trim...
And the last Want is this cute adorable pair of shoes for Clara's collection...

How's that for a short trip?
Now it's your turn...show us your weekend treasures...
Link and visit..
Inspire and be inspired!
LOVE the old bottles & the OPEN sign...thanks for hosting agin. I managed to find some finds last week while thrifting.
Love that open sign!
Lovely things you found!!
I need one of those kitchen signs that says "closed"! I am not a big fan of cooking... Only in the bedroom! haha...
No really.
Thanks for sharing, we are still having our Halloween party, please join the fun and I will post a Junkin' Monday next Monday, I promise... Have some spooky no-calorie treats and enjoy! Suzy
Oh i love the Open sign... it's so cute!! sad to say but i didn't junk this weekend! boo hoo! now you gave me the bug to get out there next weekend!
happy Monday,
I'll take the sign, I love signs for some reason! First time to your party! Thanks for hosting...Janell
I love altered bottles, I've been doing some. Are yours posted somewhere?
Thanks for hosting this again!
Ok Country Roads is an all day rummage sale...You must have been very good girls to not spend the day there! Glad you found the perfect table...If I lived closer you might find your self on the News describing the red head bandit that stole your OPEN sign!!! Could I go to jail for that???
Love the shoes Clara...you will have to create a post of your collection. Another collection we have in common... adore childrens shoes.
you always find such great things.
i love the bottles and the open sign.
happy monday!
ps. i just adore my books. thank you!
Great finds!!
I'm gettin' my post ready so i can join you.
blessings and thanks
barbara jean
I linked the wrong post...duh, I feel like dork (where's my littel debbie cakes?). Anyway, I added the right post. Love that OPEN signage....I made my own little sign, but in trying to rusticify it, I sorta ruined it. I think I should stick with real vintage/rustic stuff. I love those bottles too...saw some at the antique mall, but couldn't think what to do with them....I'll be watching what you come up with :o)
I see you have a lot of takers for the "open" sign, put me on the list ... it's a beauty!! Would look fantastic in MY kitchen ; )
I linked up to junkin monday .. kinda a co-link with the flea marketeers party .... thanks for hosting!
You really scored with that OPEN sign. Love all your treasures, Lori
I love those bottles. I bought some old ones last week, too. Unfortunately, I'm at work right now but I'll try to photograph them & post them next week.
Yep...that OPEN sign wins hands down girls!
i love when you find things on your want list...that is the best...the "open" sign is very cool...and those little shoes are just too sweet!!!
The old bottles were marvelous and the sign is fabulous!
I didn't go junking when I was home. Lisa and I visited every art supply store they had close by adn I had to ship TWO packages home. They are not here yet so I am trying to clean out my studio before it all gets here!
LOVE the table :)
I love that table! The French Provincial lines are wonderful. I can't wait to see what you do with it.
I'm late, but I'm in. Great table, M&C. Do show your altered bottles when you're done.
I'm late, but I'm in. Great table, M&C. Do show your altered bottles when you're done.
Love the Open sign! Everything is fabulous - I've been to Country Roads - if only I could plop it right down here in the Northeast!
Killer Open sign! That's a want, need and must-have all rolled into one. Y'all never disappoint.
Hugs x 2,
I love going to Country Roads! Always inspiring to say the least...Is the Blue Canoe set up there now? Love the OPEN sign, great find!!
My Best
Thanks for mentioning us, Country Roads, in your blog today. It was nice seeing you both over the week-end and look forward to seeing you again soon!! Take care
Pretty darn fabulous for a short trip!!!
:) T
Hey Signore, great finds! I noticed this last weekend there were estate sales and garage sale everywhere....Hope to see you soon Ciao Rita
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