
Thursday, July 8, 2010

I need help....

professional help!

The other day, Suzan from Old Grey Mare told me I should consider calling
"Ruffles Anonymous"....

I think she is right!!

"My name is Marcela and I'm Addicted to Ruffles..."

Well Ladies... I guess it could be worse!!


The French Bear said...

Ha ha, never.... the ruffles are gorgeous!!!! I just love them!
Margaret B

Alaina said...

They are beautiful! I don't think you have to worry if ruffles are what you are addicted to.

Linda said...

You must have a ruffling attachment/machine :)

Tete said...

It's all an illusion...they are not really there...
But just in case, take two asprin and call RA in the morning...
If it persists, mail them to me. I would be glad to help! said...

For those ruffles I would not seek help. They are beautiful!

Sue said...

One can NEVER have too many ruffles in their lives! Especially if they are created by the "Marvelous Ms. M"!!

Take care, Sue

Boogieboard Cottage said...

I think we should all jump onto ruffle addiction bandwagon, yours are adorable! Mary :O)

Uncanny Festoon said...

Ohlala a ruffle addiction...I want it!


Ellen said...

Ruffles...lovely...and how you have done them...scrumptious!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

If your therapist tells you to get rid of the ruffles I'll be happy to take them off your hands. They are gorgeous!
xo, Sherry

Olive said...

Perhaps an intervention is in order. Nah I don't think so. ~olive

Notes From ABroad said...

This is SO cool !!
I can now say I know a Ruffle Addict.

chau y besos !

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Marcela, my name's Sissie and I'm addicted to ruffles! LOL
We have the ruffle thing in common for sure. I just can't get enough.

Love your pillows, so pretty and romantic looking.


LuLu said...

Please don't stop your addition.... keep going!!!!!!

Honey Lamb and I said...

You will probably just relapse so keep being a ruffle junkie! ;) ~Shelley O.

oldgreymare said...

These pillows are just wonderful. I think you can tell you have a lot of ruffle addicts right there with ya!

Have you thought of long burlap drapes with these giant ruffles across the bottom? I may have to consider that myself, since I already have the burlap drapes....

Do you do these by hand?

BTW all my jewelry is simple wire wrap that anyone can learn to do in an hour. Perfecting it, so it is even just takes practice. And many artists do a "messy" over wrap these days. You should try it. I just started a few months ago. Warning. It is addictive, and you already have that "other" problem hehe


A well Loved Home said...

Did you make them? If so, keep sewing and and put them up in your shop. There are many of us chomping at the bit to buy them!

the wild raspberry said...

Wowza! I love it, love it, love it! I agree with Ellen, scrumptious!


Faded Charm said...

There could be much worse addictions for sure. I'm loving all these ruffles, they're gorgeous!

Enjoy your weekend.


Casa Mia said...

Oh these are all too beautiful. Wow...

Anonymous said...

So romantic, I think.

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

OMG, I think I'm addicted too :) Yours are particularly beautiful, Marcela. Don't stop!

Candylei said...

These are just the cutest pillows. And the hat! Darling.

Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said...

Oh, my goodness, I love these pillows!
Thank you for sharing...

Sherry Goodloe said...

LOVE your ruffles!!

PS Hope you can get to that garage sale this Saturday. I'm telling you, it is sooooo worth it. At least it has been for the few years I've gone so far. Let me know if you get to go and tell me what you thought about it.

Jill said...

These are sooooooo pretty!