As many of you probably know, the amazing Rachel Ashwell visited Country Roads last weekend...
I was excited when I read about the visit in Sue's blog, but I was really excited when on Monday I realized that the customer that bought all my transferware pieces and the pink cupboard that
lived for years in my laundry room was her...
the one and only Rachel Ashwell!!
I was excited when I read about the visit in Sue's blog, but I was really excited when on Monday I realized that the customer that bought all my transferware pieces and the pink cupboard that
lived for years in my laundry room was her...
the one and only Rachel Ashwell!!

Rachel and I...
A match made in Junking Heaven
(....If she only knew that I exist!!!)
Thank you Rachel and thank you Sue!
Oh how exciting!!!!!!!It is too bad you didn't go there and meet her. That would have been fun too. Imagine if they wind up in her next book:)))
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
That is very exciting! I'll be looking for your cupboard!!
VERY cool! Definitely something worth bragging about. Congratulations!!
Patricia :o)
Very very exciting!!! I agree with wonderful if they do end up in her next book!!
Hi Marcela,
Such a compliment, I hope your day is great!
Wow, now that's something to brag about!
I see that great minds do think alike! How exciting to have that happen. I would be screaming right now!
You know, I think I said it on my blog post, Rachel is such an amazing woman. I think when she stood tall when life was kicking her hard, it has not only made her stronger, but that much more admired! She really is the best!!
Take care, Sue
PS and "thanks" for all the extra promotion, it's appreciated!!
oh, you GO with your bad junkin' cool is that!!!
How fabulous! Rachel knows a treasure when she sees it. Maybe it'll be featured in her next book. :) Does she still have a show? I loved watching her simple ideas for decorating and even crafting -- even got reruns here for a while. Best wishes for a beautiful day! Tammy
Great minds think alike! Congratulations...
Kuddos! It's always extra special when a "celeb" purchases one {or many} of our treasures.
That is so awesome! You do have a great sense of style! Congratulations!!
This is exciting!! Congratulations.
You are just so cool !
Umm, I don't know if I am supposed to say this or not, but Rachel is bragging to everyone that she met you.
How Exciting ~ That is Something to Scream About!
I'm so impressed, you must have STYLE!!
YAY! But I am not surprised with your style...
Marcela, how totally cool and exciting! Btw, do you have a photo of your pink cupboard? - I'm sure it's fabulous.
Cool Beans!
I am simply GREEN with envy!! How lucky for you!
Hi there! My, that IS something to brag about! You don't know me but I really enjoy your posts. I just visited your spaces on Wed and just love your new one, super cute! No wonder she bought up your stuff.
Thanks for being an inspiration to the rest of us with our little junkin' spaces.
Missy Watson Duffy
That IS cool! :)
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