That's right!!...Another party...this time a Make Over Open House, hosted by
Jen from "Sanctuary Arts at Home"Sometimes we get very frustrated when people just throw away their stuff
...their nice, old, "good bones" stuff!!!
and we say ...Oh well, if you don't want it...
We'll just "have" to stop the truck, dive in your dumpster, embarrass our kids again, and take home your "I don't want it anymore stuff"!!!! Last Monday was one of those days...
We lost the before pictures of our side-of-the-road-treasure, but here is a couple of the drawers.

We are sure you can imagine the rest, right?

Clara found it, so Clara works on it...we have some very strict rules around here!...
with the help of her new love Kilz Spray......

and her best friend Martha, yes Stewart, who provided the most beautiful and dreammy shade of pale blue, she transformed it into this...
Glass knobs, 2DIE4 accessories and the "Little Dresser that Could" is finished...

We wonder if the person that left it in the Lowe's parking lot could recognize it now...oh well, after all, it's just a good maple, very well constructed dresser that has been around for about 30 years and will last another 50. They can get that in any Ikea, Pier 1, Ballard....etc, etc, store!...Dream on!!!
Our second project went from "Grandma's makeup case"

to "I'm flying to Paris and I'm doing it in style"
altered case!!

"Waste not the smallest thing created, for grains of sand make mountains, and atoms infinity"
~E. Knight~
Regarding Giveaways:
No, we didn't forget!!!...
Michelle Arnold at
Vintage Grace, she is giving away a piece of her beautiful and stylish silver jewelry...No, we are not showing you... you just have to trust us and get over there...
totally worth it!!!!!...
It's OK, you can thank us later!!...Just don't forget all the creative Ladies participating in the Party and leave lots of comments!!
Clara & Marcela