Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Leaving Town...

Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas with a Chinese twist!
Clara decorated the front of the box with pretty red and green papers, the Chinese symbol of the guest's Chinese zodiac and the English translation, in this case, Rooster. I love this idea because having this instead of the guest name, becomes an instant conversation piece, a total ice breaker...not that we need one in our family: as typical Argentinians, we all talk at the same time and at the same volume.... (yes, loud)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Place Cards Tutorial
It's on the table that we find the first gift of the night, a small token of handmade love used as a place card and meant to be trasured forever....
These are the beautiful, nostalgic ornaments that Clara made in 2007 (she will not show me yet what she's doing for this year!) for each guest and that ,of course, I'm displaying in my Christmas tree.
"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other."
And this is my sweet 14 year old when she was just a baby...Since I can't remember what I did last year, I guess it wasn't memorable enough, I'm sharing how to make the place cards I'm using for our 2008 Christmas Day Lunch. You will need:
Floral Wire (22 gauge), Wooden star (Michael's $0.25 each), Glitter, Monogram stickers, Crepe Paper, Glue, Glue gun, Cardstock, Small pliers
I start by cutting the wire in an approx. 13" piece. I wrap it around my glue container (it's just the perfect size) working the wire in a base, the rest of the wire is then wraped around a pencil and the end is finished in a little curl using small pliers.

I cover the star in german silver glitter, leaving the center clean of it.
I add crepe paper ruffle to a 1" cardstock circle. Trim the crepe paper and add the Monogram sticker with the initial of each guest.
I glue it to the center of the star.
And then I glue the star, using a glue gun, to the curl on the wire top. Once dried, you might have to play with the wire until your star is in perfect balance to stand all by itself.

Voila!! I'm making them a few weeks ahead because I like the tarnish look they get with time...I promise that I'll post Clara's as soon as she lets me...I know it will be fab...I'm the older Sister, I taught her everything she knows!!!...just kidding!....LOL
"Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life."
~Charles M. Schulz~
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
One more place to find us...

Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas cheer!

Clara and I enjoy participating every year. It's a busy night where we get to see most of our customers and friends...but this year was even more special to us because even though the economy's a little uncertain and everybody is feeling it, people came to the party to support us and the rest of the San Clemente Merchants...They all showed their best Holiday Spirit, were very cheerful and had a great disposition to help the little stores like ours....

The Ladies had a great time shopping for ornaments, jewelry, cards, candles, signs and even furniture! When the cookies were gone, and the candles out, at about 10:30 pm, we went home feeling very blessed to have such wonderful support. Thank you!!!
...the Saturday after Thanksgiving...
... Ave Del Mar, San Clemente...
don't miss it!!!
"I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month."
~Harlan Miller~
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Frozen Charlotte Art

Finally, we used the littlest Charlotte to make a Pop Cap Necklace. She is wrapped in a Queen sign, leaving no doubts of her place in life!

Friday, November 14, 2008
Just a little tease....

Handmade One-of-a-Kind Ornaments

Glamorous and chic gift tags

Stop by for cookies, coffee and some Holiday Cheer!
Saturday, November 29th from 5 to 10 pm.
"Nice and Easy Antiques & Gifts"
131C Ave Del Mar, San Clemente, CA 92672 (949)492-2622
We hope to see you there! And now....
Clara & Marcela
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Displaying one step at the time....
Clara remembered the old ladder we bought at least 7 years ago in a junk sale and that we had never used (scary, I know...). The ladder was still there, in a corner of the garage just waiting... Then, finally happened... the old ladder got a makeover...The magic white paint did what it does best: turned drab into fab, satin ribbon was criss-crossed adding a little glam....
transforming our junk sale treasure in a space-saver card display....

We have to admit that the ladder was for sale for about 6 hours until we realized how much we loved it and how many more cards and tags we are selling out of it. Now the old ladder has a "Sorry, not for sale at this time" sign, after all, she was very faithful and waited a long time for us, we can't just sell it!!!
So Ladies, keep your eyes open for those old ladders that are just not safe anymore to be climbed. You can use it to display your Christmas Cards ........

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Another "I was going to save the world...." project
From wishes that last just a few minutes to those wonderful, dreammy wishes that we carry around all our lives....Personal wishes and world-wide wishes...Pink, soft, glittery wishes...are the inspiration for our:
"I was going to save the world today, but something....small and cute caught my eye! project.
We bought these tiny jars at Michael's for less than $1.00 each. If yours come with the metal lid closure, just remove it....
We filled the jar with a fluffed cotton ball. We stamped a Raffle ticket (sold at WaltMart or Party Supplies Stores for $1.00 a roll of 100....yes! 100 "wishes"...) with the word WISH. (printing or writing it's also fine!)
We decorated the top using crepe paper (velvet or lace are also great choices) and a silver star. Some trim around the neck (or ribbon) completed the fab look!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Election Day

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
You've been e-Booed!

Gail from http://shabbycottagestudio.blogspot.com/
Tara from http://blondiensc.typepad.com/blondie_n_san_clemente/
Lynn from http://therosecottage.blogspot.com/
When witches go riding,