We bought this beautiful antique French bed about 8 months ago...
...original paint in dreamy color...
...original paint in dreamy color...

We took it to the Flea Market with us... people loved it, but it didn't sell...
Two hours after it was removed from the store and taken to be cut and be transformed in a beautiful, French bench...this nice gal comes in and says:
"You had a French bed....." Oh no!...let us get to the phone fast..."Don't cut it!!!...after 8 months, a customer wants the bed!"
We are happy to say that the beautiful French bed, with rose carvings and 2DIE4 legs was rescued from the electric saw and has now a new home!
Gina is probably the luckiest customer we know, she was thinking about the bed for 8 months and she was about 30 minutes from loosing it!
Moral of the story:
If you love it, get it!...because...
That piece you love so much,
the one in your local antique store,
the one you keep visiting every week,
the one you promise yourself you are getting next time,
the one you leave behind while walking away saying: "If it's meant to be..."
...can be going to the electric saw pretty soon!!
Gina has promised to send us pictures once the bed is in the room and we'll share them with you as soon as we get them.
Oh, that bed is gorgeous! That lucky gal got it just in time!
I have been trying to tell all my friends that same thing :)
I think you guys are going to have to pay the midwest a visit one of these days.
Take care
Amen!! happy weekend girls!
Gret motto!!! I'll have to use that, and often!!
That bed is so pretty - so glad it has a home now! xOxO
Another Amen!
This happend twice to us...we have learned our lesson! Now...even if we don't know where the heck we'll put it - we get it, and four or heavens - eight months down the road we'll find the perfect spot!
Can't wait to see her pictures - it's gorgeous!!
I love that bed! The carving is wonderful!
Hello girls,
Sooo glad the bed was saved !!
I can't tell you how many times a week in the store I hear, "I came back to get the....and it's gone!!"
I guess we all have a "one that got away story". Love your blogs, Thanks for stopping by mine!
Gorgeous bed and a very lucky girl to get it! great story and reminder if you love it get it!!!
have a wonderful weekend,
What a fabulous bed! I am looking for a new bedroom suite right now and would love to find something like this!
Happy Sunday Girls!
That was one lucky customer! I can't even count the times customers at Country Roads go home to "think" about what they have fallen in love with, then come back and its gone! Beautiful bed, by the way.
oh, that is SO true...i can't even tell you how many times that has happened to me...i am such a bad shopper...i always think i will go back and get something later, and usually what i wanted has sold...lucky girl indeed who bought that bed...it looks so stunning!!!
That's such a crazy story! Glad it found a happy home.
eeeek....my heart starting beating fast as i read this story. i'm so glad she beat the saw!
have a wonderful week.
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