
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gardening 101

We must admit: gardeners... we are not!
We grew up in sky risers in downtown Buenos Aires, with only an occasional house plant growing in a sunny garden, no backyard...(No, don't feel bad for us, the city life was a lot of fun!)
Throughout the years we have killed lots of plants, lets make that thousands of plants...
We can't grow fancy flowers with difficult names....heck, we can't even spell those names!!
But the funny thing is that we LOVE gardening, so we just had to learn to stick with the simple and an assumed...
Our favorites varieties are:
"The Impossible to Kill" Lavender

"I Love Pesto" Basil...

"Let's Pretend We Are Gardeners" Roses...

and lately...the "How Come I Never Had These Before??" Succulents

These are planted in vintage glass lamp parts...

...we might not be gardeners, but we sure are resourceful recyclers!!!

"Gardening requires lots of water, most of it in the form of perspiration"
~Lou Erickson~


Lori said...

all of your plants look great...i esp like what you did with the succulents...and you even have lavender!!! i never could get that plant to do well for me

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Great container idea for succulents!

Carla said...

Hello you two, thanks for stopping by my blog last week. I can totally relate on the gardening front...

the wild raspberry said...

it's funny...i was a gardener at a botanic garden before becomming a sahm....but i am TERRIBLE with house plants...maybe with a real outside garden your green thumbs would shine!
have a great day.

LuLu said...

I'm loving the succulent's and the cute containers they are in! Oh my! I need some lavendar!!
happy cleaning day tomorrow!!:)

Amy Sutter said...

YAY!!! You won the the second place drawing at Aged Vintage Papier! Please go to the blog for more info!
Amy :-)

Anonymous said...

I love succulents! and lavender too... and basil... I guess i love it all. :)c

Dawn said...

Hi Clara and Marcela!

Wanted you to know that I think you Ladies are amazing with all that you share on your Blog♥

I have a Blog Award for you... come have a visit and pick it up. No worries if you don't want to participate in passing it along, I just wanted to share you with others, cuz you're wonderful!

Best Wishes,


littlethings1 said...

Such pretty photos , makes me want to get out and garden !
Your blog is such an inspiration !!
Have a fabulous weekend !

The Chateau of Remnants said...

I really love the plants!!
The Glass planter if my Fav!


joyh82 said...

Very pretty pictures. I love yellow roses.

littlebyrd said...

Love the succulents!!